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I'm Daniela, a Bulgarian student in Germany in my mid-twenties.

When I was a child, my first dream career was the one of the forest ranger because I wanted to protect animals.

But how many of us choose to follow the path of their first childhood dream? The problem with me was yet another one: I had too many childhood dreams.

Somehow I ended up studying communication science, a field that I love because it's so dynamic that in the morning, you may need to forget what you learned last evening. A big role in that crazy game is certainly reserved for Mr. Internet.

Which brings me to another point of my biography: the discovery of the Internet that occurred in my early teenage years. Since then, I've been participating in forum communities, moderating, administrating, trying out social networks in the time before Facebook came on the stage, blogging (in Bulgarian) and so on...

Many people indeed think I'm shy when they first meet me, which is a misunderstanding. But in this case, I chose to name myself a shy Vegetarian because I am not one of the people trying to convince you that you need a different diet starting tomorrow and according to their own beliefs.

So I'm not preaching and I don't think that everyone on earth should be vegetarian. I only want to share interesting stuff on that topic with you. I welcome different opinions and info about new facts or discoveries... please, always feel free to speak your mind :)

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